6 exercises that will show your real age

How to find out your real age? Do 6 exercises!

If you feel that you have sat too long in one place , your lifestyle is sedentary , the former lightness somewhere - test your body. Perhaps you are already much older than your passport age.

6 exercises and analyze the result to understand how fit your body is.

1 Shoulders

Checking their flexibility is simple: sit on the floor , straighten up and make a pleading gesture behind your back , joining your palms.

If you were able to do this, your shoulder joints are ideal.

You wrapped your arms around yourself from behind - not bad , but you need to do exercises that develop flexibility.

If the exercise failed , then the shoulders need to be developed , salt deposits , joint flexibility , the effect of a frozen shoulder is obvious.6 exercises that will show your real age It's time for you to go to the gym.

2 Spine

Sit upright in a chair and up to the back. Then touch the floor with your fingers , leaning forward. What happened?

If your feet are left standing , and your palms are on the floor, you are in great shape!

I only managed to touch the floor with my fingers - everything is fine , but it's time to train

If it didn’t work out, your spine is in a state of ill health , so it’s time to take up active training.

3 Neck

Here you need to lean back on your knees. Legs are straight , try to reach your heels.

Everything worked out? You are in perfect shape! You are not more than 25 years old!

If you could only lean back , holding your back - it's time to train , the time has come!

Didn't work out at all? Your neck is in a catastrophic state , immediately start training.

4 Taz

Sit on the floor , stretch one leg , bending the other , stretch to the outstretched one. How is it going?

Were you able to lie on your outstretched leg? You are simply a role model!

Were you able to bend over to the leg , but the distance from it to the face is more than three tens of cm? Your flexibility and muscle elasticity is far from being in perfect shape. You need training and stretching.

Couldn't bend over , legs began to bend? Your body just needs exercise.

5 knees

Bend like a cat from a reclining position. knees straight , feet on the floor , do not tear off the palms. What happened?

If you not only arched , but also lingered for a few seconds - you can only envy.

It was not possible to linger , but it turned out to get up - a good result

If it didn’t work out at all , you are actually at least fifty years old. Get into workouts.

6 Waist

We sit on the floor , bend the leg and press it to ourselves , stretch the other. We bend over to grab the foot. As a result?

Everything worked out? You are in excellent physical shape , your waist is perfectly trained.

If you touched your legs, it’s already not bad , but you are clearly over 30 , be sure to perform a regular set of exercises

Couldn't bend over? Your body is in a state of old age! It's time to develop muscle elasticity and flexibility , otherwise you will face rapid old age.

6 exercises that will show your real age

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