What to do with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder

The liver produces up to 1.5 liters of bile per day. One part of it is sent to the intestines to neutralize the acidic gruel that comes from the stomach into the duodenum , emulsifies fats and promotes their absorption. Bile breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids. In the cells of the intestinal mucosa, glycerol and fatty acid molecules combine , and chemically reduced fats begin their journey in the blood. Here, fats , which have a large supply of energy , again break down into substances with a simpler structure and with a lower energy value. Thus , several quanta of energy are released , which can be used by cells and tissues. Fat waste products leave the body in the form of water and carbon dioxide. Bile has a stimulating effect on peristalsis , various exogenous and endogenous substances are excreted from the blood with bile , which , accumulating in the blood , would have a harmful effect on the activity of the whole organism; excess cholesterol is also removed.

Natural remedies for gallbladder healthWhat to do with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder

In this case, we are talking about a violation of the passage of bile from the gallbladder into the duodenum.

One reason is the lack of normal bile secretion into the gallbladder.

The second - for various reasons, the smooth muscles of the walls of the bile ducts do not work correctly: they are too tense ( more often in men) or , conversely , excessively relaxed ( more often in women). In this case, there is a delay of bile in the bladder , which overflows , in response to this, pain appears.

If these tricks become chronic , bile stagnates both in the gallbladder and in the intrahepatic ducts. All conditions are created for the development of inflammation , , bile pigments begin to precipitate, various kinds of pebbles are formed , the liver is disrupted.

The main reason for these phenomena are: irregular and improper nutrition and , as a result , the production of aggressive bile , which causes "burns" and spasms of the biliary tract , as well as an unstable state of the nervous system.

Teenagers are more commonly affected. Almost 90% of them are familiar with sudden contractions ( with spastic form) or dull pains ( with atonic form) in the right hypochondrium. There is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth , nausea , the tongue is often coated with a gray-yellow coating.

In the hypotonic form - constant pain in the right hypochondrium , nausea , belching , atonic constipation.

In the hypertensive form - periodic pain in the right hypochondrium , complaints of nausea , alternating diarrhea with constipation.

How to deal with this scourge?

Sit for three days only on decoctions of alkaline vegetables: zucchini , string beans , celery , quite a bit of carrots and red beets , some parsley , dill. All without fat and salt. Drink only decoctions without restriction. In the evening - cleansing enemas all three days.

On the fourth day, return to nutrition , eliminating all fried , smoked , fatty , meat broths , mushrooms , coffee , chocolate , alcohol , ice cream , sugar , spices. Limit eggs and meat ( any).What to do with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder

1. Do not drink water. Decoctions of the following herbal preparations are recommended.

Sweet clover - 5 parts , periwinkle - 2.5 , arnica - 1.5 calendula - 2.5 , celandine - 1.5 , - 1.5 , marsh cudweed - 5 , birch ( leaf) - 2.5 , pine ( needles) - 10.

100 g of the mixture pour 2 liters of boiling water , leave for 1-3 hours. Apply in the form of baths. Take them for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 36-37 ° C. During an exacerbation, 2-3 days daily , then 3-4 days - every other day.

What to do with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. Health and beauty at home

Dandelion ( root) - 1.5 parts , dandelion ( leaf) - 1.5 , horsetail - 1 , yarrow - 1 , chamomile - 1 , chicory ( root or grass) - 1.5 , sowing oats ( seeds) - 5 , wild rose ( fruits) - 5.

2 tbsp. l. mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water , leave for 45 minutes , add honey and lemon juice to taste. Drink warm ½ cup 5-6 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Frequent fractional meals are recommended.

Dandelion ( root) - 5 parts , sowing oats ( seeds) - 5 , celandine - 2 , strawberries ( grass), wild rose ( fruits).

Prepare and consume like #2.

Immortelle - 1 part , shandra ( or valerian) - 1.5 , knotweed - 1.5 , chicory ( roots or grass) - 1.5 , dandelion ( root) - 0.5 , mint - 1.5 , hops - 1 ,5 , calendula - 1.

Prepare and consume as No. 2. All these fees dilute bile , dilate the bile ducts and blood vessels , act as an analgesic , choleretic. Nervous and irritable people.

Motherwort - 4 parts , hawthorn ( flowers or fruits) - 3 , calendula - 4 , chamomile - 2.5 , marsh cudweed - 2 , celandine - 2.5 , sowing oats - 5 , rose ( fruits) - 5.

Prepare as #2 , but consume ½-1/3 cup 2 hours before bedtime.

It is very good to take beetroot juice 1:1 with lemon or apple juice.

2. In chronic dyskinesia, it is good to periodically clean the gallbladder and partially the liver with the help of tubes ( in the atonic form): on an empty stomach we drink 1-2 glasses of warm mineral water or 30 g of vegetable oil with the juice of 1-2 lemons.

After 30 minutes, we lay down on a heating pad on the right side , lie down for at least 1 hour. Then it would be good to move around by doing a few exercises on the lumbar region with tension in the abdominal muscles. After that, the stool relaxes , in which there may be cholesterol clots and gallstones. Tubazhi do 1 course in 2-3 weeks , 3 days in a row , from about 22 to 22.30 or after 23 hours.

Remember! Garlic with regular use prevents stagnant processes in the liver.

Cholecystitis - cholangitis

These two concepts today in medical practice are sometimes used as equivalent , but more often as specifying a specific location of the lesion , and not the disease in general.

In general , cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder , which occurs as a result of its infection , reflux of pancreatic juice due to cholelithiasis , circulatory disorders , diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , and obesity.

Clarifying , concretizing concepts and definitions: cholangitis is an inflammatory process in the bile ducts; cholangiolitis - damage to the small bile ducts; cholangitis , or , more precisely , angiocholitis - damage to the larger inside - and extrahepatic bile ducts; choledochitis - damage to the common bile duct; papillitis is a lesion of the area of ​​Vater's nipple.

According to etiology, there are: bacterial , helminthic , toxic and toxic-allergic , viral , autoimmune.

Downstream it happens: acute and chronic. Most often, cholangitis is bacterial in nature; causative agents , as a rule , are E. coli , enterococci , Flidlander's bacillus , pneumococci , streptococci.What to do with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder

Acute cholecystitis - often occurs after errors in the diet , resulting in intense pain in the epigastric region, followed by their spread to the right hypochondrium with irradiation to the right shoulder blade and forearm. Sometimes the pain is girdle in nature ( cholecystitis pancreatitis). Often there is vomiting of bile. The progression of inflammation can lead to peritonitis ( inflammation of the peritoneum). The tongue usually becomes dry. On palpation - soreness in the right hypochondrium , sometimes even the gallbladder and the edge of the liver are palpated. The temperature rises slightly.

In the first stage, the main symptom is high body temperature with recurring chills. The beginning is sudden , stormy. Body temperature rises daily or once every 2-3 days. Characterized by cramping pain in the right hypochondrium , vomiting. Severe weakness develops , blood pressure decreases.

In the second stage - the liver enlarges , it is sharply painful , slight jaundice is noted. By the end of the first week, the spleen is enlarged.

In the third stage , if there is no improvement , a picture of liver failure with severe jaundice develops , at the same time pronounced changes in the urine appear , the content of urea and creatinine in the blood increases , cardiac activity is significantly impaired ( tachycardia , arrhythmia , muffled tones in the heart , myocardial dystrophy), collapses are possible , pancreatitis occurs.

In the fourth stage - pronounced hepatic-renal failure , coma.

Untreated acute cholecystitis or the presence of gallstones in the bladder , gastritis with secretory insufficiency ( low acidity), chronic pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive system can cause chronic cholecystitis.

An important predisposing factor in the development of chronic cholecystitis is stagnation in the gallbladder , which can lead to gallstones , kinks in the bile ducts , dyskinesia of the gallbladder and bile ducts that occur under the influence of emotional stress , endocrine and autonomic disorders, and a number of other reasons.

Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder is also facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle , rare and heavy meals , overeating , especially fatty and spicy foods , general hypothermia and a number of other diseases ( tonsillitis , pneumonia , adnexitis).

Malovichko A.V., “STOP-disease! Heal joints and digestive organs "

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember , self-medication is life-threatening , consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

The liver produces up to 1.5 liters of bile per day. One part of it is sent to the intestines to neutralize the acidic food slurry coming from the stomach to the duodenum, emulsifies fats and promotes their absorption. Bile breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids. In the cells of the intestinal mucosa, glycerol and fatty acid molecules combine, and chemically reduced fats begin their journey in the blood. Here, fats, which have a large supply of energy, again break down into substances with a simpler structure and with a lower energy value. Thus, several quanta of energy are released, which can be used by cells and tissues. Fat waste products leave the body in the form of water and carbon dioxide. Bile has a stimulating effect on peristalsis; various exogenous and endogenous substances are excreted from the blood with bile, which, accumulating in the blood, would have a harmful effect on the activity of the whole organism; excess cholesterol is also removed.

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