Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

Today we will analyze in detail the Diet Minus 60 system - menu for the week , food table and some useful recipes. I will tell you what you can and cannot eat , at what time it is preferable.

Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipesWHEN AND HOW MUCH TO EAT?

With the Minus 60 diet, we split all food into 3 main meals + 2 snacks. We only eat small meals , except for breakfast. Get a kitchen scale in advance. This is a great home assistant in observing the norm of the dish. At first she was skeptical about them. But after my friend dropped 35 kilos in six months , she realized that was a necessary thing. After all, it often happens that in the morning nothing climbs , and in the evening we overeat. And the scales certainly will not lie and will show the true error in the calculations.

So , I will write down the basic rules for each meal:

Breakfast. This is the most basic meal of the day. Make it nutritious. Nutritionists agree: breakfast should be. You can even afford bitter chocolate , a small piece of cake or a sweet banana. Mirimanova's rule - "until 12 days you can eat anything , not counting the calorie content."

If you are not accustomed to this regimen , then gradually, already on the 2-3rd day of the diet, this will change and become a habit. I even wrote what to eat for breakfast with proper nutrition.
Lunch. In this snack, allow yourself some fruit , low-fat kefir or yogurt. A small handful of nuts will do. And you can have a slimming cocktail or oatmeal in a jar.

Dinner. There is only one rule: dishes fried in oil are excluded. Soups in meat broth without potatoes. Pasta and potatoes can only be separated from meat and fish. Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and replace the high-starchy foods we are used to. I really like to eat brown rice and noodles from it. Very satisfying , but there is no overeating.Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes In dishes up to 14 hours, you can add a drop of mayonnaise. You can cook it yourself.

Afternoon snack. Perfect as fresh fruits and a variety of dried fruits For example , apple , pear , citrus fruits , small slices of watermelon.
Or snack on fresh vegetables. Ekaterina Mirimanova offers dinner very early and easy. Have dinner with buckwheat porridge with vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese with fresh tomatoes , herbs , seasoned with low-fat sour cream. In the evening, we set a taboo for pasta , potatoes , legumes , corn , mushrooms and avocados.


If you go to visit , then take a bottle of dry red wine with you. This is allowed. And when visiting, ask for a cut of low-fat cheese and vegetables to be prepared in advance.


I collected all the information on the products in a table. There is a download link below so you can print it. If no product in the table , then it is prohibited. Read the book for more details.

  • For breakfast, you can eat anything. At lunchtime, we introduce restrictions.
  • You can cook lunch and dinner in any way , except for frying in oil. Only light sautéing of vegetables is allowed.
  • Instead of white bread, eat better rye bread , croutons from it , bread rolls. Separately for bread, I compiled a table of calories for each.
  • Drink more water than sugary soda
  • Small amounts of salt , dried herbs , balsamic vinegar , spices and garlic can be added.

Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipesMENU FOR THE WEEK IN THE TABLE

It is very important to follow a daily diet:

  • a good breakfast is a must;
  • have lunch no later than 14 hours;
  • dinner no later than 18:00;
  • only 2 bites.

Below I have compiled a table with an example menu for 7 days. I am writing this menu specifically so that you can imagine how varied the food on the Minus 60 diet can be. Then you can figure it out yourself and make your own menu as you want. Although , if laziness , then you can just repeat these 7 days again and again?Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

Portions are approximate. Although the diet does not strictly indicate the volume of servings , I recommend an approximate volume per dose of about 250-300 gr.

Keep a food diary and record what you eat every day. At first, it was difficult and lazy for me. Often she deceived herself by underestimating the portion size or not indicating some dish. But the extra centimeters at the waist and butt said that we should start monitoring the portion size. After buying scales , daily volume calculation and analysis , I now clearly see where I had a bust and why after dinner I ate more than expected. You can’t calculate the weight of products or a finished dish by eye. Therefore, it is good to have a kitchen scale.

I may disappoint you with this news , but there is no magic wand. Want to get results? Keep portions in mind , keep a food diary and exercise daily.

COTTAGE COTTAGE CASTLE WITH PRUNES AND APPLESDiet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese ( but not fat-free) - 1 pack , sweet yogurt - 50 g , pitted prunes - 50 g , one green apple , cinnamon.

It is better to free the apple from the skin. Cut fruit smaller , mix with yogurt and cottage cheese. Grease a baking dish with butter. The oven must be heated to 180°. Then, using a spoon, transfer the curd-fruit mass into a mold. Send the form to the oven and bake the dish for 10 to 15 minutes. Check readinessby piercing the casserole with a match. If the cottage cheese does not stick to the match , the dish is ready. I also like to cook apples in the microwave. It turns out very quickly and no less tasty.

ZANDAK IN OWN JUICE Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

Pretty simple and healthy dish. Take for cooking: pike perch fillet - 200 g , one carrot , lemon and medium onion , butter - 10 g , spices for fish.

Rinse the fillet and cut into medium-sized pieces. Salt , pepper to taste. Add any herbs for the fish. , parsley or basil go well with this dish Squeeze the juice of half a lemon ( if you want - the whole lemon) and pour over the fish. This will be a kind of marinade. 20 minutes let it brew.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater , and chop the onion. Grease a baking dish with butter. The oven must be heated to 200°. We put the fish in the form. Top with onions and carrots. We put the form with the fish in a hot oven. The dish takes 40-50 minutes to prepare.

The fish will release juice very soon. You can carefully pour this juice over the fish from above. The dish is juicy. In terms of calories, it comes out to about 85 kcal per 100 grams. During weight loss, choose less fatty varieties of fish.

LOBIO FROM BEANS Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

Beans are a meat substitute for many vegetarians. After all, it contains a lot of vegetable protein. Plus, it contains a lot of folic acid , which is so useful for us women . Read more what types of beans and the calorie content of each , read in another article.

And in this recipe you will need: 200 g dry beans , medium onion , 2-3 tbsp. l. walnut , pepper , salt to taste , herbs , garlic 2-3 cloves.

You need to take care of the preparation of this dish in advance. Soak the beans in cold water and leave to soak overnight. Boil for about an hour the next day. Drain the bean broth into a separate container. Don't throw it away , we'll need it. Then mash 1/3 of the beans with a potato masher. onion , garlic , herbs very finely.

Add the remaining beans to the puree and pour in as much broth as you like. Chop the nuts and add them to the beans. Send onions , garlic , We mix everything.

VEGETARIAN COLLUBESDiet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

A very nutritious dish , it can be seasoned with a little sour cream. For cooking, take: cabbage leaves , 1 carrot , sweet pepper and tomato. Buckwheat or rice as a filling.

Pour boiling water over cabbage leaves for 15-20 minutes. If the veins on the leaves are too thick , it is better to cut them out. But don't throw it away. Finely chop them , then add to the filling. Lightly beat off the middle veins after soaking the cabbage leaf with a culinary hammer.

Boil the cereal. Add chopped carrots , peppers and onions to rice or buckwheat. Finely chop the cabbage and send it to the filling. Salt , pepper , you can add a little dried herbs. Wrap the stuffing in cabbage leaves. Can be simmered in a pot or cooked in a double boiler.

MANNY PUDDINGDiet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

If you do not like traditional semolina porridge , then you will love this dessert. Ingredients in such quantity that the pudding is enough for the whole family.

To prepare, take: 1 liter of medium-fat milk , 200 g of semolina , 4 eggs , 150 g of sugar , 50 g of butter , lemon zest , salt to taste.

First, bring the milk to a boil. Then we turn on a low fire. To make the porridge without lumps: pour the cereal into the milk in a thin stream. Simultaneously with the rash , stir the porridge. While it is cooking , stir continuously for 5 minutes. Add salt. Then take it off the fire.

The yolks must be combined with sugar and lemon zest. Beat well with a blender. Add a mixture of egg yolks , raisins and lemon to the porridge. At the end, carefully pour the whipped egg whites into the porridge. Lubricate the form generously with butter and transfer the mass into it. In a preheated oven ( 180° - 200°), place the mold and bake for 30 minutes.

As you can see , of the whole diet, the most difficult thing is not to eat after 6 pm. Again: you can save yourself with green tea. But I am confused by the allowed sausages , sausage. These products just consist of fat , cartilage and rather harmful additives. I would also increase the amount of fruit consumed. Apples contain pectin , which promotes weight loss. Kiwi contains a lot of vitamin C , a natural fat burner.

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