How to restore the elasticity of blood vessels. A folk remedy that will put you on your feet ...

Chilliness of the hands and feet , tinnitus , dizziness and frequent headaches , response to weather changes - these are all signs of loss of vascular elasticity.
The total length of blood vessels in the body is tens of thousands of kilometers. The state of the whole organism depends on their elasticity. Many serious diseases begin precisely with vascular diseases - deposits of cholesterol plaques in them and their calcification , destruction of blood vessels due to hypertension , age-related shrinkage of the capillary network , which is considered the cause of aging of the body.

It worsens the functioning of blood vessels and obesity, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle.

Garlic honey will increase the protective properties of the body

Chilliness of the hands and feet , tinnitus , dizziness and frequent headaches , response to weather changes - these are all signs of loss of vascular elasticity.
It is possible to protect and strengthen blood vessels only by complex measures , including the organization of a balanced diet , regular physical activity that trains the circulatory network , water procedures , both bath and contrast showers , turpentine and therapeutic baths. Give up fatty , fried foods , hot spices , alcohol. Smoking is the number one enemy of blood vessels.

Give preference to plant foods. Vessels need a daily intake of vitamins C , P ( rutin ), which are found in significant amounts in grapes , onions , garlic , , blueberries , blueberries , green tea , pine bark.

Include food antioxidants in your diet - citrus , carrots , parsley , porcini mushrooms.
They serve as an immune defense to the walls of blood vessels. of nicotinic acid required by blood vessels is chicken and rabbit meat , porcini mushrooms , buckwheat , squid , cod, etc.

Proven traditional medicine plays an important role in strengthening blood vessels.

√ For vascular atherosclerosis, prepare an infusion of hawthorn flowers.
Pour 1 tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water and , after insisting in a sealed container for 2 hours , strain and drink a quarter cup 4 times a day before meals.

√ To restore normal blood circulation in capillaries and vessels.
2 tablespoons of chopped fresh needles , 2 tablespoons of onion peel , 2 tablespoons of washed oats pour 0.5 liters of rosehip broth ( 2 tablespoons of wild rose pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes). Insist 1 night , strain and drink during the day from 0.5 to 1.5 liters. The course of treatment is 4 months.

√ To cleanse , restore and strengthen blood vessels.
Pour 100 g of fresh sage herb with 800 ml of vodka , add 400 ml of water , stand in the light for 40 days in a closed glass container , strain and drink 1 time a day in the morning before breakfast, 1 tablespoon in half with water until the tincture is over.How to restore the elasticity of blood vessels. A folk remedy that will put you on your feet ... The course of treatment is carried out 1 time per year.

√ To clean the vessels that feed the spine
, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed burdock roots with 1 glass of water , boil for 10 minutes , leave for 1 hour , strain and drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Or fill 2/3 of half a liter bottle with dried burdock roots or sunflower roots and top up with vodka , leave for 3 weeks , strain and drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

You can drink burdock root juice 3 times a day: 1 tablespoon of juice per 0.5 liters of water.
It is also recommended to dilute 1/3 teaspoon of edible salt in 1 glass of warm water and drink the entire volume daily 1 hour before bedtime. This procedure cleanses not only the vessels of the spine from toxins, but At the same time, the menu should include onion , garlic , horseradish , celery , nettle , dandelion.

√ To cleanse blood vessels, increase prevent heart attack angina pectoris get rid
Pour 200 g of chopped garlic with 400 g of vodka , insist under a tight lid in the refrigerator for 10 days , strain , squeeze through gauze , keep for 2 weeks in a warm and dark place.
Drink tincture in drops, dissolving and then 25-30 drops a day, until The course of treatment should be repeated when the noise in the head resumes.

√ Alcohol tincture of hawthorn fruit is no less effective as a vasodilator and improves blood circulation.
Pour a tablespoon of crushed hawthorn fruits with 250 ml of vodka and infuse in a tightly closed bottle for 10-12 days. Filter and take 20 drops , dissolved in 15 ml of boiled water , 3-4 times a day before meals.

√ If atherosclerosis has already begun , in order to remove cholesterol , it is recommended to take tincture on birch buds.
15 grams of kidneys pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 14 days in a dark place. After filtering , take 20 drops 3 times a day , dissolved in 15 ml of water.
Be healthy!

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How to restore the elasticity of blood vessels. A folk remedy that will put you on your feet ...

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