How to clean blood vessels and blood: a recipe for 7 glasses. A simple, grandmother's method, you need ...

Cardiologists are stunned! Hypertension is cured instantly! This recipe is extremely simple , it consists of juices , honey and Cahors wine , and each ingredient must be taken in 200 grams.

There are only 7 ingredients , each 200 grams. That's why , probably, the recipe is called 7 glasses. It is necessary to prepare juice from carrots , red beets , radishes , lemons , garlic and mix. We also mix everything with wine and honey. Store this mixture in the refrigerator.

How to clean blood vessels and blood: a recipe for 7 glasses. Simple, grandmother's method, you need ...

Take a tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals , three times a day.

  1. Wine Cahors.
  2. Carrot juice.
  3. Radish juice.
  4. Lemon juice.
  5. Beet juice.
  6. Garlic juice ( about 15 medium cloves)
  7. Natural honey.

Such a mixture rejuvenates the body , improves the general condition of the body , cleanses the blood and blood vessels. After taking this mixture of juices, blood counts improve , hemoglobin in the blood rises , headaches disappear , pressure normalizes. Such a mixture of juices removes harmful substances , salts , slags , toxins from the body.How to clean blood vessels and blood: a recipe for 7 glasses. Simple, grandmother's method, you need ... This mixture of juices lasts approximately 1.5 months.

Cranberry juice also cleans the blood perfectly , take it one hundred grams three times a day before meals.
It must be taken within three weeks. Purifies the blood and carrot juice , it must be taken in 100 ml.
three times a day with meals. Carrot juice must be freshly squeezed. Cleans blood vessels and blood birch sap. This is the most wonderful tool. The collection of birch sap will begin soon. Don't miss the moment. During the season it is recommended to drink 5 liters of juiceto clean your blood and blood vessels.

But , before using this or that folk remedy , consult your doctor. I also told my dad to consult a doctor. Self-medication is not worth it , each person has a different body , what suits one may not suit another , use everything only after consulting a doctor .

Read also: 8 amazing home remedies for headaches , bruises and burns. Brilliant!

The result will not keep you waiting - you will not only feel better , but also look better.

See also: To keep the pancreas healthy. You should know!

But , before using this or that folk remedy , consult your doctor.

But on this we do not say goodbye , come again!

See also: Honey and turmeric: a powerful medicinethat everyone has in the house ...

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How to clean blood vessels and blood: a recipe for 7 glasses. Simple, grandmother's method, you need ...

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