How to remove the "apron" on the stomach

And again, an article at the request of one of the subscribers. Obviously , New Year's holidays ( yes , this is not a typo!) exacerbate the situation for those who had excess fat in the abdomen even before traditional heavy feasts. We already move a little on working days , and even when we have the opportunity to move slowly within the apartment for 10 days in a row , the volume of body fat only increases.

What to do?

How to remove the "apron" on the stomach

Peace , only peace! Now let's figure everything out. A little preview of the article:

1. Why an "apron" is formed
2. What tricks DO NOT work
3. What tricks work.

Only the most patient who have reached the end of the publication will be able to get acquainted with all the secrets! And they will take action!

Causes of the formation of an "apron" on the stomach

The kitchen word "apron" denotes a hanging of skin and fat in the lower abdomen. Specifically, in women, the formation of such an aesthetic defect can be triggered by one or more factors:

  1. Excess weight. Almost always contributes to the formation of such a fold , or even more than one.
  2. C-section. This is a more complicated case , although not hopeless.
  3. Sharp weight loss. Then the fold ( even , rather , folds) is formed mainly by stretched skin.

Lack of posture and weak back muscles. As a result - the habit of walking , standing and sitting in a "hunched" position.
This gradually leads to sagging of the abdomen. Loss of tone in the abdominal muscles.
Often manifested as a result of stretched muscles after pregnancy and childbirth. But usually the loss of tone is associated with hypodynamia and the lack of daily physical activity. Causes associated with the work of the endocrine system and various diseases. So , for example , if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly , then this provokes an excess of fat deposits on the abdomen. The formation of an "apron" is also affected by diabetes mellitus.

✅ Good news:

regardless of what formed the basis for the formation of a skin-fat fold , you can end up with an elastic and almost flat tummy.

What methods do NOT help:

🚫 Download the press and focus on it.

This does not mean that abdominal exercises are not effective. Physical activity on the muscles is required in order to raise its tone. However, it is important to remember: the muscles are UNDER the skin and UNDER the fat ( "apron" is not internal fat).

And what will happen if you download the press? Muscles will increase in volume , and the fat located on top will practically not go anywhere. Like saggy skin, strength exercises do not work on it.

🚫 Choose a strict diet.

The body is not as stupid as it might seem. Any drastic restrictions lead him to a state of stress. I'm not even talking about the fact that after each strict diet, a woman breaks down , gaining even more as a result. I focus primarily on the fact that the female body will still strive to maintain fat reserves. And the stronger the contrast between the old style of eating and the current one , the more actively the body will maintain the fat reserve it needs for energy - this is female nature!

In addition , most weight loss diets are far from a balanced diet. Most often it is one-sided. And almost devoid of fats and carbohydrates. As a result, the body does not have an energy source ( and these are carbohydrates and fats), it burns muscle mass. Add here another deficiency of vitamins and minerals , and now the condition of the skin leaves much to be desired. And the nasty hanging fold on the stomach will become even more flabby.

🚫 Take "fat-burning drugs/teas for weight loss , etc. "

I immediately recall the phrase of my sister from her youth:

"What would you eat to lose weight?"

Do you also believe in magic pills and teas? In fact, almost all supposedly "fat-burning drinks" are just diuretics. You will quickly lose fluid from the body , the figure on the scales will decrease and create the illusion of weight loss. In fact, even a person with a low weight ( up to 50 kg) can lose / gain from 2 kg per day. And it will depend on the amount of liquid drunk and food eaten , as well as on the ability of the body to remove all this in a natural way , including through sweat.

For example , after an intense hour-long workout, a person weighing 100+ kg can immediately show a sharp "plummet": I know people who immediately lose 2 kg after the gym and the subsequent sauna. And then they are safely recruited back: hunger wakes up , and I also want to drink a lot of water , and now the previous figure is already on the morning scales.

Not a single "fat-burning drug" will go directly to the "apron" on the stomach and begin to destroy fat cells there - it's even ridiculous.

In addition , many "fat burners" hit the liver , heart and nervous system. Do you really need it?

What tricks work

✅ Healthy diet.

Yes , I know that now many will roll their eyes and think: "Well , I knew it!"

What to do: no even the most effective exercises and techniques can overcome the barriercreated by our eating habits. Proper nutrition is the main assistant. That is why I am writing about him in the first place.

I will not repeat the common truths. I will only say the most basic , how to switch to PP ( proper nutrition) painlessly and reliably:

80% we eat right , 20% we leave for concessions. This is the opinion of star naturopathic doctor Nygma Talib , who works with celebrities. Fully agree with Nigma. Why? Because otherwise a person will still fall for unhealthy food , begin to blame himself and consider: if he began to eat harmful again , then everything is hopeless and you can not try further.

Down with perfectionism! When you go to visit or cannot get past the coveted "Pyshechnaya" at all, well, go in and eat something that is so difficult to live without. After all, you will still think about it and sooner or later you will catch yourself on how you unconsciously stuff the fifth donut into your mouth. So it's better to eat one and not feel guilty. The Forbidden fruit is sweet. And if you know that you can allow yourself a dessert , then you will pull much less.

What will a hamburger with trans fats and fast carbohydrates from a bun give , not to mention a carbonated drink? Accumulation of toxic substances in the body , a sharp rise in blood sugar levels ( and this is the start of the process of glycation , i.e., the formation of crosslinks in collagen fibers , which leads to premature aging of the body).

Is it possible to speed up the metabolism in the body and increase the elasticity of the skin with such nutrition? The weight will stand still , and the crease on the stomach will only grow.

Don't ban , replace! I will give a simple example. If you can't imagine your life without french fries , then replace it with homemade fried potatoes. Just fry at least in vegetable oil. When you can replace fries with fried potatoes , switch to an even healthier option - baked in the oven. You can right in the uniform. Are you used to these potatoes? So , it's time to switch to boiled. Happened? We cook for a couple. Do you like it now too? Replace potatoes with less starchy vegetables that you love. For example , broccoli , eggplant , carrots , beets , etc.

Same with sweets. Do you love cakes? Replace with chocolate. Because the cake will 100% affect the size of your "apron", and the chocolate bar is still partly even useful and less dangerous for the figure. Then replace the milk chocolate with bittersweet. Then buy yourself dried fruits for tea drinking , among which the lightest are prunes. Sometimes in the evening I really want something sweet: now 1-2 prunes are enough for me to overcome this desire. And gradually it turns out to extinguish false hunger with delicious green tea or your favorite mineral water.

This is how, step by step , gradually and calmly , you can switch to a healthy diet. Recipes for delicious and healthy dishes on the Internet - the sea. It is enough to type the cherished words PP ( proper nutrition), and there is a whole treasure. You just don't need to rush into such food right away. And gradually you will notice: the "apron" on the stomach melts , as well as extra pounds.

✅ Abdominal massage.

Why can't you remove the "apron" without massage? Because this fold is not only fat deposits , but also excess skin. And the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is reduced only with the help of massage , otherwise you can get stretch marks.

Ideally - LPG massage . It helps to quickly reduce the skin area and increase its elasticity , accelerates metabolic processes locally in the treatment areas. The course of such massages allows literally before our eyes to reduce the volume of the fat fold on the abdomen.

But given the concept of my channel , I first of all offer those methods that you can do yourself at home.

What is the best imitation of LPG at home? Vacuum massage with cups!

❗️Attention! Any type of massage has contraindications! In particular , these include: a tendency to rosacea , pregnancy , gastrointestinal diseases , cardiovascular diseases, etc. Consult your doctor!

Of course , cupping massage requires some skill. If you do it inaccurately , then you can easily put a bruise or provoke the appearance of a vascular network under the skin. It is best to learn this massage under the guidance of a specialist. But it is quite possible to master the basic techniques on your own.

For the abdomen, take a jar of a sufficiently large diameter. The skin is pre-moisturized with massage oil.

The simplest movement is circular clockwise.

❗️Important: it is not recommended to touch the area in the navel area.

The abdominal muscles should be relaxed.
Before you disconnect the jar , you need to relieve the pressure in it completely!
Otherwise, bursting vessels are guaranteed. We gently suck the jar so that at least a centimeter of skin enters inside. And , without weakening the pressure in the pear , we first begin to slowly lead in a circle. Gradually, you can speed up a little.

If cupping massage is contraindicated for you , then you can do rubbing with a brush ( also in a circle) every morning in the bathroom.

Or try manual self-massage of the abdomen. Performed lying down. The main movement is in a circle. You can also lead your hands in a circle not in a direct movement , but in a spiral.

You can finish with light squeezing movements:

❗️ Important! Abdominal massage is NEVER done after a meal. Ideally, you should do it on an empty stomach or at least 2-3 hours after a light meal.

✅ Exercise "Vacuum".

Why is this exercise so effective?

First of all , due to the fact that the transverse abdominal muscle is involved. It lies deep enough and practically does not work during normal exercises for the press.

In addition , "Vacuum" is also a massage of the abdominal organs plus the work of the diaphragm. Together, this helps to speed up metabolism and get rid of local fat deposits faster.

Personal experience

I first got acquainted with this exercise after the second birth. If, after the first, the stomach literally disappeared immediately after the birth of my son , then the next time I was in for a surprise in the form of a "five-month pregnancy." This is the size of my belly on the third day at discharge. And it was depressing. I began to look for ways to speed up the return of the previous figure. Waist , fortunately , did not disappear even in the very last stages of pregnancy , but the notorious "apron", although small ,
formed after childbirth

"Vacuum" began to do as soon as the doctor allowed.
And after a month everything was in order: the stomach became almost flat. Later, I returned to this exercise only in one period of time , when I had not yet switched to proper nutrition. Now there is no longer a need. " I do not really like because it can cause dizziness.

The exercise is performed STRICTLY on an empty stomach or at least after 4 hours of the last meal! In the morning we got out of bed , came to our senses ( best of all with the help of pushes with the heels according to Mikulin's method) and made "Vacuum".


The classic version is performed in a standing position. Legs - shoulder width apart. Hands rest on the hips , legs slightly bent at the knees. Exhale and pull your stomach in from the bottom up as much as possible. At the same time, the internal organs are also pulled up. There is a feeling of a rise in the diaphragm.

Hold this position for as long as you can. Now, with an inhalation, relax your stomach from top to bottom.

Repeat up to 10-15 more times. If you are doing the exercise for the first time , then 2-3 is enough.

Take a short break. And again, do a set of 10-15 repetitions.

"Vacuum" is also called the Schwarzenegger exercise. He often demonstrated this technique and was always distinguished by a narrow waist , despite the large volume of muscles in other parts of the body.

However, if you dig deeper , then this exercise came from yoga. And it is called "Maha Bandha" - "Big Castle".

Exercise "Vacuum" can also be performed while sitting , lying on your back and standing on all fours.

All options:

✅ Exercises to stretch the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

Massages help reduce skin area faster and reduce the fat fold , while stretching the abdomen after exercise allows muscles and skin to become more elastic. Plus, stretching makes it possible to fix the result , accelerate the tension of the skin.

What poses help stretch the abdominal muscles we need?



Both of these poses have many variations. Choose the one that suits your skill level.

Here , for example , are variations of "Fish" with an intermediate rack in the bar:

✅ Posture exercises.

It is impossible to get a flat stomach and get rid of a hanging crease if there is no good posture. A straight spine and a strong muscular corset that supports our body position is the main "sponsor" of a beautiful belly line and a thin waist.

An illustrative example. Just one posture can improve the shape of the abdomen. And make it a habit:

In order not to repeat , I propose to look at the options for posture exercises here:

✅ Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

Note that this item is almost in last place. Because usually people for some reason expect a quick effect from exercises for the press. And here everything is not so clear:

It is NEEDED to strengthen the abdominal muscles , but without fanaticism. A woman , of course , can get "cubes" if she loses a lot of weight and works on her abs. However, if there is fat on top, and even more so an “apron”, then there will be no need to wait for a decrease in volume in the stomach. Strong and elastic abdominal muscles help maintain skin tone and a toned stomach. This is our goal. Although , of course , no one forbids you to achieve a relief belly with "cubes" - this is a personal matter for everyone.
What muscles should be paid attention to accelerate the reduction of the "apron"? Believe it or not , but everything! Because we need a muscular corset in good shape.

Exercises are best suited for the lower abdomen , where the starting position is lying on your back , and your legs are slightly raised above the floor. It can be "Scissors", and "Bicycle", and even just holding the legs in this position for the maximum time. It is important to perform several approaches.

And here is the whole set of exercises:

✅ Fukutsuji roller.

This is my 2018 discovery. A simple and even pleasant way not only to make the tummy almost flat , but also to find the correct posture and reduce the waist.
I honestly admit that not every day I manage to lie on the roller. After all, it is recommended to do this before going to bed , and in the evening women have affairs - well , you yourself know: to iron a shirt for one , to sew trousers for another , etc. But I notice that when I miss several days in a row , the shape of the abdomen becomes worse.

  1. The most important thing is the correct posture. We lie on our backs. Roller - strictly under the navel. As a roller, we take an ordinary twisted towel.
  2. Lying on your back , straighten your arms and put them straight behind your head. In this case, the little fingers should touch.
  3. The position of the feet: we spread the heels and "clubfoot" so that the thumbs are connected.
  4. We lie in this position for 3-5 minutes. For the first month, 3 minutes is enough.

It is very important to carefully exit the position on the roller: first turn on the side , lie down for a while and carefully stand up. Try not to lift anything heavy for the first 2 hours after the roller. Therefore, it is best to lie on it before going to bed.

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