How to return the pressure to normal without pills

A person whose blood pressure began to rise periodically should adjust his lifestyle in such a way as to exclude factors that contribute to this increase. If a middle-aged person turns to a therapist with a complaint of increased pressure , he will probably be prescribed pills that he will have to take for the rest of his life , but there will no longer be normal pressure. What do you want: hypertension is a chronic disease , which, translated into colloquial language, means incurable. However, Tibetan medicine doctors do not think so and are ready to teach how to return blood pressure to normal.
What to do with hypertension
Usually, the initial stage of hypertension looks like this: a person falls asleep badly , wakes up in the middle of the night and for a long time , one and a half to two hours, cannot fall asleep again. Sleep disturbance , as a rule , leads to an increase in pressure , and this happens more often in people who are resolute , emotional , unrestrained , quick-tempered , with a bilious or panicky character , prone to falling into states such as anxiety , anger , long sucking on the troubles that have happened and not being able to switch consciousness on the positive aspects of life.

How to return the pressure to normal without pills

Scientists claim

From a medical point of view , symptomatic hypertension occurs as a result of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis: kidney disease naturally leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Sometimes a sharp jump in pressure is observed not immediately after a nervous breakdown , but , say , two or three days after it , it can coincide with a bad meteorological situation or with one of the days of the special position of the moon - new moon , full moon or quarters of the lunar phases.

In response to a stressful situation , the body produces an increased content of cholesterol in the blood , the gallbladder secretes excess bile , which enters the bloodstream. In the most acute form, these processes are expressed in people who , according to the Tibetan classification, have a bile constitution. They , who are worse than others who can manage their emotions , are most at risk of a heart attack or stroke - the consequences of excess blood in the heart and blood vessels.
High blood pressure is a harbinger of this sad ending. The liver produces the substance prothrombin , the release of which into the blood increases in stressful situations , against the background of mental arousal. It contributes to the thickening of the blood , its clotting , constriction of blood vessels , the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and ultimately blood clots.
In order to prevent such a sad development of events , a person whose blood pressure began to rise periodically should adjust his lifestyle in such a way as to exclude factors that contribute to this increase.
Meals should be changed so that it becomes separate. Let not strictly in accordance with all the requirements of this concept. But at least make sure that proteins do not enter the body at the same time as carbohydrates. This is somewhat unusual for the Russian tradition of organizing feasts. An important truth is to be learned: bread is a complete independent food product , and not accompanying meat and fish dishes , soups and snacks. It contains complex carbohydrates , from which the cholesterol complex is built.
If you want to eat a piece of bread, eat it.
But you will eat chicken or jellied fish in three or four hours without bread. When you mix dissimilar foods , the digestive tract does not have time to separate them. Working at the limit of its capabilities , it requires an increased amount of blood from the body and , in particular , hemoglobin. That is why hypertensive patients often have a reddish complexion and reddened whites of the eyes. At the same time, an excess of bile in the blood determines the yellowing of the face , palms , and whites of the eyes.
Attention: Penetrating into the blood and dense organs , bile in its excess can provoke Botkin's disease ( colloquially , jaundice). Therefore, hypertension is unpleasant and dangerous, not even in itself , but even more so as a harbinger of hepatitis.
Generally speaking , like cholecystitis , it is a disease of the elderly , but emotional people ( especially those of the Bile type) often suffer from it at a young age.
Symptoms of the disease , in addition to sleep disturbance , are headache , heaviness in the back of the head , flies before the eyes , dizziness , forgetfulness , startling at sharp sounds , short-term and quickly passing pains in the heart , numbness in the ring finger and little finger of the left hand ( the meridian passes through it heart), redness of the eyes , dry mouth and nose , stiffness of the neck muscles and soreness of the muscles of the so-called collar zone , a feeling of heat in the body , and after its disappearance - a slight chill.
With these symptoms, an increase in upper pressure , say , to 140 , if usually a person's pressure was , say , 130/70 , should already be considered a sign of hypertension that has begun.
Hypertensive crises can be quick and short ( with an emotional outburst , irritation , outburst of anger) or often recurring.
A protracted crisis may last for weeks, with long pains in the back of the head , in the heart, and with heaviness in the left arm.
The pressure , which has increased to 140 , can become the norm , and the jump can reach , say , 180.
A prolonged hypertensive crisis often ends in a stroke or heart attack.
In people of the Bile type, repeated hypertensive crises can lead to the rapid development of the disease and even sudden death.
The basis in the treatment of hypertension is a change in the spiritual and psychological side of being: you need to monitor your emotions , prevent them from going off scale , outbursts of anger , longing , despondency , everyday anger. To defeat hypertension , you will have to strive to improve your character.
In addition to the simplest adherence to the principle of separate nutrition , you need to monitor the harmonious ratio of all six tastes in the diet , exclude excess salty , sour , bitter and spicy from the diet.

Excess is if you love garlic , eat more than one clove. This dose should not be exceeded , and garlic should be eaten along with other foods. If you are drawn to pickles , take a few circles , but not two or three cucumbers.
Moderation is necessary in relation to pickled and salted mushrooms , tomatoes , herring.
The permissible limit of the use of salty is not yet thirsty.
Sour busting depletes the liver , it is expressed in a characteristic grimace when it reduces the jaws.
Acute should not burn the throat; if everything inside is on fire , that's too much.
Nutmeg gives a bitter taste that improves heart function ( powder taken at the tip of a knife can be added to any dish or made into a decoction in half a glass of water and drunk in parts in one day ) .

  1. A candidate for hypertension will have to wean themselves off fried foods , replacing them with boiled and steamed foods.
  2. Fatty foods are contraindicated , with the exception of lard , which gives good cholesterol , so let's say a slice of lard , especially in the winter season. But here, too, one should not abuse it: 50 grams per day is the limit.
  3. Instead of salt ( its excess is especially contraindicated for people of the Bile type), you can use soy sauce , which gives a salty taste. Sea salt is much better than sodium chloride.
  4. A pinch boiled in half a glass of water , drink throughout the day.

Hypertension patients can adopt two Tibetan recipes
that complement each other. 1. 25 g of corn seeds and 50 g of rice are boiled for fourteen minutes over low heat in a glass of water. Eat at a time , better in the evening instead of dinner.
2. Another recipe: finely chopped half a kilo of beef is boiled for an hour in a liter of water , a glass of any wine is added and boiled for another three minutes. This dish must be eaten twice , for example , at lunch and dinner. And so for a week. Such a dish will improve the work of the Yin organs , which, by their activity, will be able to resist the Yang energy , enhanced in people of the Bile type.
Here is a Tibetan recipe , equally useful for the treatment of gums of both Bile and Mucus.

  1. 150 g of lean pork is finely chopped , 30 g of chopped birch roots are added , pepper and salt to taste, and the mixture is boiled in a full glass of water for 14 minutes.
  2. Eat the dish at one time. They cook it for three days in a row.

Scientists say
People with a predominance of bile should give up fried and fatty foods , limit the intake of spicy ( including onions and garlic) and very sour foods , but switch to boiled and steamed foods and increase the intake of bitter and salty foods. All tastes of food consumed should be two-part: bitter-sour , bitter-salty , sweet-sour , sweet-salty .

The notorious irritability of people Bile is removed with the help of a bitter taste.
Smart women , whose active husbands are often distinguished by outbursts of anger , know pacify : it is enough to steam a piece of meat , pour it a bitter-astringent sauce prepared on the basis of mustard or horseradish , as well as rhubarb , and the husband will immediately become kinder.

It must be understood that the irritability of bile is not a consequence of a bad character , but the result of a disease that requires painstaking treatment. Try to give such a person sorrel , nettle , rhubarb - it will not even take a week for him to calm down.
Bitter foods are mustard and horseradish , which people of the Bile type have no right to neglect. Such bitter spices should be more than usual. Try to spread mustard on bread and add mustard and horseradish to everything you can.

From the book "Chinese miracle methods . How to live long and be healthy!", Savely Kashnitsky

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