Eye massage to restore vision! I see much better now...

If you spend only 10 minutes a day on eye massage , you can achieve wonderful results! I am nearsighted and work at a computer. Very often, the eyes hurt at the end of the working day , and when you go out into the sunlight , you feel like a vampire: it hurts to look , there are cramps and dryness in the eyes is felt.

The only thing that saves is this massage! Make it a habit to do it every evening , and you will notice that your vision has become better , and the terrible tension has passed ... Very often, such a massage relieves headaches caused by excessive tension of the eye muscles.

Eye massage to restore vision! I see much better now...

Massage the active points with pressure , about 90 seconds each! This is an excellent prevention of myopia and cataracts.

  1. Strongly massage the superciliary arches.
  2. Massage the edge of the lower part of the eye socket.
  3. Press on the outer corners of the eyes , then on the inner ones.
  4. Well knead the bridge of the nose.
  5. Press on the sinuses located under the eyes.
  6. Press very hard on closed eyelids , 10-12 times.
  7. Massage the point located in the center of the forehead.

Eye massage to restore vision! I see much better now...

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