An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

Before you throw something , think carefully about whether it can be turned into a useful , and maybe creative thing.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket With creativity and ingenuity, even a cracked bucket can become a masterpiece. It does not take much time and material for such an alteration.

It was decided to turn our bucket into an original basket. By cutting the bucket in height, we get rid of the chip. We circle the bottom and make blanks for inserts. An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

We wrap the inserts and glue them , not forgetting to stretch the fabric.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

To give the basket volume , we wrap it on the outside with a layer of synthetic winterizer and trim the edges.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

On top of the synthetic winterizer we lay a fabric layer , which will become a cover.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

For finishing, we take a strip of fabric , the height of which will exceed the height of the cropped bucket.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket The length of the cut must be at least a third greater than the circumference of the bucket. This will allow you to make a beautiful drapery inside and set the volume on the outside.

We glue the bucket from the inside , evenly distributing the fabric.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket We insert the bottom inside and glue it. We glue the mating part on the outside.

We run a decorative cord along the junction of the bottom and the bucket.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

We ruffle a strip of contrasting fabric with embroidery and glue it in a circle , lifting the top frill.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

We use scraps of fabric for a bow.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

We supplement the basket with a pen and admire the result.An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

You can fill this basket with anything. Design may vary. It all depends on what remnants of fabric are available.

Learn more about creating a basket in the video below:

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An unusual approach to using a broken bucket

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