How to rejuvenate your face with regular salt

The miraculous properties of salt have been known to man since ancient times. Currently, salt procedures are widely used not only in medicine , but also in cosmetology. Salt ( lotions , baths , dressings , etc. ) improves blood supply to the skin , eliminates swelling , smoothes wrinkles , improves skin firmness and elasticity. How can salt be used as a means of rejuvenation? Salt compresses well restore the lost beauty and freshness of flabby , fading or tired skin.

AMAZING skin rejuvenation: Saline compresses
The face and neck are lubricated with a fat cream. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of table salt in 1 liter of boiling water. Wet the middle of a terry towel in the solution , wring it out slightly and apply it to the chin and neck. The compress is kept for 10 minutes , after which the face is washed with cool water.

How to rejuvenate your face with regular salt

You can prepare a salt compress in another way.
To prepare this compress, use a bag with salt heated to 50-70 ° C. If the heat is difficult to endure , then a terry towel is placed under the bag.

On that part of the body that needs to be well warmed up , waxed paper ( or medical oilcloth , or skin) is applied over the bag, making a kind of local sauna for this part of the body. The compress is also kept for 10 minutes.

Face polishing with sea water

To carry out the procedure of massage-rubbing the face with sea water, take warm sea water and , having soaked your palm in it , do a “polishing” of the face with fingertips , rubbing the water until it completely evaporates. After such a procedure, the skin becomes “satin”.

Salt baths

Balneotherapy is a medical procedure based on the therapeutic effect of various waters , mostly natural or slightly modified.

Firstly , such waters contain various mineral , organic and gaseous additives.

Secondly , at the field level, the structure of the water is changed in one way or another.
The resorts are treated with mineral waters of various compositions that have passed through certain layers of the earth and have a certain age: carbonic , hydrogen sulfide , radon , salty , iodine-bromine and others.

For balneotherapeutic procedures, a number of salts have been developed for the artificial preparation of mineral waters.

Of the balneological procedures using salt, two main ones are distinguished:
sodium chloride ( salt) baths,
iodine-bromine baths with a salt concentration of 15-30 g / l and an iodine content of at least 10 mg / l , and bromine - at least 25 mg / l .

A salt bath is a water "electrolyte". The body uses electrons with a high level of kinetic energy as energy.

There are a lot of electrons in ordinary water , but even more in salty conductive water. The body receives them through the acupuncture points on the skin , disperses them in the acupuncture channels and thus replenishes its energy resources.

In addition , in such a bath, the overall charge of the body is normalized and averaged , which relieves various kinds of stress.

See also: Heparin ointment for the face.
Fresh, toned face in a couple of days To cleanse , tone and improve the properties of facial skin, low concentration salt baths are used - 200-1000 g of salt per 200 liters of water.

At home, you can prepare a salt bath for the face at the rate of:
10-30 g of sea or lake salt ( respectively 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon) per 1 liter of cool water.
Salt is placed in a canvas bag and poured first with hot and then cold water so that the temperature of the finished solution is 35-38 ° C.

The face is immersed in a basin with saline for 10-15 seconds , then lifted for 10-15 seconds and immersed again. The duration of the bath is 6-10 minutes. The course is 15-30 procedures.

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