Back Pain Relief Secret Revealed: Massage Your Feet Every Day

And I knew for a long time that everything is connected in the body.

We often underestimate the functions of the back and legs in our body. But they account for most of any physical activity. Women who often walk in heels forget that the main load falls on the spine , and not on the feet themselves.

Although just like that, working out the points on the legs will help support both the back and the feet. These tricks were studied in ancient times by Chinese healers. Acupressure was a major part of their teachings. Pressure on certain points of the body helps to relax , calm the nerves and stimulates the work of certain organs. The principle of acupuncture prevails here , only needles replace our fingers.

We share with you useful exercises in order to remove pain in the legs , strengthen the body and spine.

Back Pain Relief Secret Revealed: Massage Your Feet Every DayBefore starting any exercise, warm up the muscles of the legs. We start by pressing on the fingers themselves. We bend our knees and grasp our fingers , hold in this position , counting to three. We repeat the exercise 10 times ( and three times a day). The secret of getting rid of back pain is revealed! Women's natural beauty depends on back health

Another great helper will be simple walking on your toes. You don't have to be a ballerina for this. This exercise develops the feet , strengthens the muscles of the legs and ligaments. Get on your toes and move forward for 20 seconds. Rest and repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

Back Pain Relief Secret Revealed: Massage Your Feet Every Day

Another important part of the leg is the ankles. Overloading the body as a whole is the result of pinched and shortened ankles , which can cause muscle pain. Back pain can also be caused by undeveloped ankles. We lay down on our back and lift one leg , rotate the ankle 10 times clockwise and do the same with the second leg.

We sit on the floor , stretch our legs in front of us , and put our feet on a folded towel and take its edges with our hands. Slowly pull the towel towards you , and resist with the muscles of the feet. Repeat at least 10 times. This exercise will help to stretch the muscles in the back of the legs and will develop the feet perfectly.

A very popular exercise is to lift a pencil off the floor with your toes. The most simple and effective. Raise the pencil and hold for 10 seconds , let's repeat at least 5 times.

You will find even more interesting things in the video!

Back Pain Relief Secret Revealed: Massage Your Feet Every Day

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