8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant!

We have known since childhood that sometimes simple and sometimes strange grandmother's remedies can perfectly replace modern medicines. Of course , you can not refuse drugs. But you can get rid of small troubles on your own. And today we have collected as many as 8 home remedies that really work.

1. Migraine

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant!

An unexpected headache? Do not rush to swallow the pills. If you immerse your feet in warm water , and put a cold compress on the back of your neck , the blood will drain from the head , and the pain will quickly pass.

2. Bruise

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant!

A small bruise is , of course , not so scary. But if you still need to get rid of spots on the skin , there is a simple and effective method. We smear the bruise with toothpaste , put a cotton pad on top and fix it with a bandage. The next morning the bruise will disappear.

3. Light burn

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant!

A small burn can be quickly cured with honey: rub a small amount into the skin. Honey will help relieve pain and speed up recovery.

4. Splinter

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant!

If there is glue at hand , then pulling out a shallow splinter is very simple: put a small portion of glue on it and wait until it dries. It remains only to remove the glue from the skin , and the splinter will most likely come out with it.

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5. Remove the patch

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant! If the patch is firmly attached to the skin , oil for sensitive skin ( for example , for children) will help to remove it. Apply a little oil to the patch and gently rub it with a clean dish sponge.

6. Paper cut

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant!

If the cut is not very deep , it can be treated with hygienic pomade: put a little pomade on the cut and cover it with a band-aid.

7. Colds and coughs

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant! To prepare a natural remedy for colds and coughs , we need:

See also: Professor Neumyvakin: “Why I stopped drinking tea and advise everyone…”

Need to:

  • glass of sugar
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp honey ½
  • teaspoon ginger ( powder)
  • ¼ teaspoon cloves ( powdered)

8 amazing home remedies for headaches, bruises and burns. Brilliant! 8. Tongue burn

If a hot drink burns your tongue , you don’t need to endure , just put a teaspoon of sugar on the burnt place. It will help relieve pain.

Here are some simple and effective tools that are always at hand. Share these amazing secrets.

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We have known since childhood that sometimes simple and sometimes strange grandmother's remedies can perfectly replace modern medicines. Of course, you can not refuse drugs. But you can get rid of small troubles on your own. And today we have collected as many as 8 home remedies that really work.

See also: of Vaselinethat many do not know about ...

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