The famous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. Beauty and health at home

This gymnastics was practiced by monks in one of the Tibetan monasteries. That's just 10 exercises and five minutes a day. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to maintain all the endocrine glands that produce hormones in a young state , at the age of about 25-30 years ...

This gymnastics is very easy - the main thing is to start! We do it right in bed. It is advisable to wake up before six in the morning.

The famous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. Beauty and health at home

Exercise 1. We rub our hands.

Lying on the bed, rub your hands for a few seconds until they become hot. At the same time, you will diagnose your biofield at the moment. If the palms are dry and hot , then everything is good with energy in the body. If the palms are warm , then the biofield is reduced. If the palms do not warm up and become wet , then this indicates serious malfunctions in the body. In any case, do this gymnastics , as it will allow you to get rid of all failures and diseases.

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Exercise 2. Palming.

We put hot palms on the eyeballs. We begin to press on the eyes at the following pace: one second - one movement. Thus, do 30 movements in 30 seconds. Then leave your palms in front of your eyes and hold for at least another thirty seconds , and if you have poor eyesight , then about two minutes is better.

At this time, the eyeball and all the receptors around are nourished. Your eyesight will gradually improve. In addition to vision, the natural hair color will be restored.

Exercise 3. We pump over the ears.

This exercise is shown in the picture above. We press our hands on the ears , while the fingers are on the back of the head , we press the palms to the ears and make 30 movements at a pace of 1 movement per second. For some time, symptoms of chronic diseases that you have may begin to appear , especially if they are related to the ears.

Do not stop the exercises , just do them "softer" if there is pain. After some time, chronic inflammation of the ear disappears. Hearing will also improve. Almost all chronic diseases can disappear within six months. Serious illnesses may take longer to heal: a year or two.

Exercise 4. Facelift.

Next exercise: put the thumb behind the ear , squeeze the hands into fists and start facelift from the chin to the ears , pressing hard on the face. We also do 30 times. After this exercise, you may feel a rush of blood to your face and even sweat a little. The oval of the face is tightened , the lymphatic outflow improves.

Exercise 5. Forehead massage.

Then we put the right palm on the forehead , the left one on top and start rubbing movements from temple to temple. You can not touch your forehead with your hands , do it at a distance of several centimeters from your face. But if you want to smooth wrinkles on the forehead , then you need to touch the skin. We also do 30 movements in 30 seconds. This exercise heals all nasal sinuses , and also activates the pituitary gland.

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Exercise 6. Massage the top of the head.

This exercise affects the parietal region. We "fly" with handles overhead. We put a roller under the neck or fold the pillow , weave our hands into a ring. The right hand is below , the left hand is on top. We begin to make a movement a few centimeters from the head from the forehead to the back of the head. We do 30 times.

Then we “hover” over the crown and make movements from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise is very good for those who have high or low blood pressure. The pressure will return to normal. With this exercise, the mobility of the shoulder joints improves , as well as the muscles of the hands are pumped up. Pain in the shoulders pass , and if you could not raise your arms up before , then after a while you will be able to do it easily.

Exercise 7. Thyroid massage.

Next exercise: put the right hand on the thyroid gland , put the left hand on top. We begin to make a movement with the left hand from the thyroid gland to the navel at a distance of several centimeters from the body. So we do 30 movements. At the end, we put the left hand on the right and linger in this state for a few seconds.

Exercise 8. Massage the abdomen.

Then we slowly slide our hands on the stomach , the next exercise: we make circular movements with our hands on the stomach. Hands are also folded: right below , maiden above. We do 30 times. At the same time, chronic constipation disappears , intestinal activity normalizes.

Exercise 9. Shaking.

The next exercise is best done on the floorif you don't have a hard enough bed. Raise your arms and legs up , palms and feet parallel to the floor. First we rotate the hands in the wrists , and the legs in the ankle joints , then we shake. At the same time, blood circulation in the capillaries improves. Minor energy channels are also cleared. We count to 30 ( if possible , we do longer).

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Exercise 10. Rubbing the feet.

The next exercise: we sit down and begin to massage the feet. You can do them at the same time , you can take turns first one foot , then the other. If the feet are dry , then lubricate them with some kind of oil , such as olive oil. If you find pain points on the feet , give them increased attention. Focus especially on the center of the foot ( see picture). At the end, rub your legs from top to bottom. We do 30 seconds or longer. That's the whole complex!

So , once again: Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to harmonize the work of all endocrine glands. And our hormones govern the activity of the whole organism. It's like being a good conductor in an orchestra!

You can restore your health with the help of this gymnastics for a period of six months to several years , depending on the severity of your diseases , provided that you do this exercise constantly. At the same time, you will constantly feel energetic , and add at least 25 years of life to yourself.

After a while, you will simply not be able to do without this simple gymnastics. It is best to do exercises before six in the morning , but if you can’t do it , then do it during the day.

Save so you don't lose.

The famous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. Beauty and health at home

See also: Exercises for the back: 9 exercises for the spine from Norbekov

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