Slim waist in 30 days

A graceful and thin waist has always been one of the symbols of female beauty. If you can't brag about your aspen waist , don't despair: making it as thin as a reed is quite possible at home.

Slim waist in 30 days

To help, we offer a special set of 5 exercises. Do them every day for 15 minutes , and after a month you should notice results.

1. Dance with feet

- Lie back on the mat. Hands along the body.

Lift your straight legs off the floor and lift them up to a 45-degree angle. In this case, the back , arms and head should in no case rise.

- Slowly tilt your legs to the rightuntil you feel that the muscles do not allow you to stretch further. The main thing is to keep your feet always together.

- Return your feet to the center.

- Without lowering your legs , repeat the tilt to the left.

- Do 15 tilts in each direction , lingering at the edges for 2 seconds.

2. Stretch

  • Sit on the mat with your back straight. Open your legs to 90 degrees.
  • Open your arms so that they form one straight line , as in Figure A.
  • Rotate your shoulders 90 degrees and try to reach the toe of your left foot with your right hand.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other hand.
  • Repeat tilts 30 times in each direction , remembering that the back should always remain straight.

3. Oblique abdominal muscles

  • For this exercise, it is recommended to use light dumbbells or any other small load. This will help you stay in the correct position and will help distribute the load correctly during the exercise.
  • Take the following position: grasp the load with both hands and stretch in front of you , legs slightly bent , feet firmly on the mat , body tilted back 45 degrees.
  • Turn right along with the load. We work only with the body.
  • Return to starting position. Perform the exercise with a turn to the left side. During this exercise, imagine that there is a wall behind you and your goal during the turns is to touch the load to this wall.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times on each side.

4. Up , down

Take a position as in picture A.

Straining the muscles of the legs and the press , lift your body in such a way that the support remains only on the side of one foot and on one palm.

Very slowly return to the starting position. We recommend counting 8 seconds.

Do 15 reps , then switch sides and repeat.

5. Swimming in the air

  • Lie down on the mat with your stomach down. Raise your arms , legs , head in such a way that you will only lean on your stomach.
  • Move your arms and legs like scissors: right arm and left leg up - lowered. Then the left arm and right leg up - lowered. Continue the shift for 20 seconds and rest.
  • Do 10 repetitions of the exercise for 20 seconds. Rest no more than 10 seconds between sets.

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