Find out what magical gift you received on your birthday. There are no matches!

There are no matches. Everything in our world happens for a purpose. Your date of birth is not a random set of numbers! By the way , from the point of view of alchemy , occultism and numerology, your date of birth is not a random set of numbers. It testifies to the magical gift that you received when you came into this world. And , which , by the way , you may not even suspect.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Even if you have never tried to calculate this information, your gift is always with you. Agree , it would be very unfair not to know about it. After all, it is your strength , which you do not even know about.

So , to calculate your magical gift , do the following:

Add up the numbers of your date of birth: day , month , year. Sum until you get one number.

For example , if you were born on August 1, 1978 , the calculations would be as follows:

1 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 34 = 3+4=7.

As you will soon see , the resulting number is of great importance. Based on the knowledge gained, you will learn about what you did not even suspect.

Number 1. Magic

If you received the number "1" as a result of calculations, then know that this figure means Creation , Creation.

It is believed that people with the most powerful magical abilities are born under this number. They have the key to the realm of magic.

And these people have an incredible will. But , we must warn you: try not to manipulate or use your gift in order to control everyone and everything around.

Your Gift: Will & CourageFind out what magical gift you received on your birthday. There are no matches!

Number 2. Empathy

You are very sensitive to the energy that surrounds us. Much more than other people. That is why you already know how to feel and understand other people from early childhood. Know how to empathize and empathize.

Your magical gift is in the heart , whether you like it or not. And also - in the "third eye".

You can use this gift to ease the pain of others. Also - to quickly restore your energy , when you "ground" and establish contact with nature.

Find out what magical gift you received on your birthday. There are no matches!

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Your Gift: Dreams & Intuition
Number 3. Three-Faced Moon

This figure symbolizes the three phases of the moon. You are the "instrument and guide" of the Triune Goddess. About this Goddess is written in the treatise of the English writer Robert Graves "White Goddess". According to Graves' ideas , the Triune Goddess ( he himself called her the "White Goddess of Birth , Love and Death") is revered in the forms of "virgin", "mother" and "old woman", which correspond to the three stages of female life and the three phases of the moon: young , full and decreasing.

Therefore, you have the power of creation and the power of destruction at the same time. People often say: "Be careful what you wish for." So know it's about you. The fact is that all your thoughts and desires can easily come true.

Your Gift: Creation & Destruction

Number 4. Elementalist

The number "four" symbolizes the 4 elements of our Earth: Fire , Water , Air and Earth. Your essence is in perfect balance with all these 4 elements , so you are very rational and very smart.

Since you are constantly drawing on the energy of these elements , it is very difficult for you to be cursed. The thing is that Fire , Water , Earth and Air create around you a kind of special magical field that repels any negativity.

Your Gift: Elemental Magic

Number 5. Spiritualist

The number "5" symbolizes the fifth element - the Spirit ( Ether , as it was called in ancient Greek magic). Those born under this number are in constant contact with the spiritual realm. They can easily summon forces from the underworld and communicate with them.

That is why such people can be excellent spiritualists. After all, they are controlled by the "fifth element" - the Spirit!

Your Gift: Spirit Contact & Ancestral Magic

Number 6. Disciple of the Sun

The number 6 symbolizes the Sun and everything connected with it. Therefore , you have a powerful flow of energy within. Your magical Gift originates from the Sun. This means that you are practically omnipotent.

You are a healer and leader. But don't forget that great power also comes with great responsibility. Try not to overdo it with your gift and not use it to harm other people.

Your Gift: Ritual Magic & Healing

Number 7. Disciple of the Moon

The number 7 symbolizes the moon and all its magic. Your magical gift is the pure and unbridled magic of the moon.

's like you know from birth what and how to do. And everything comes out easily and masterfully. This gift of improvisation is associated with intuition , which is very highly developed in you.

Another gift is that your dreams are usually prophetic . As soon as you start dreaming about something , it is immediately fulfilled. If you use your gift with intelligence and wisdom , you can work miracles!

Your Gift: Visions & Dreams

Number 8. Traditional witchcraft

The number 8 is considered one of the most magical. If your birthday is associated with "8", then you have great magical power.

You have a kind of “built-in” compass inside you , and you know exactly what is right and what is not.

Your Gift: Energy Manipulation & Alchemy

Number 9. Shaman

The last digit from the list symbolizes the union of all of the above. This is the gate where everything ends and begins again. That's why you see things like no other.

You are an artistic and creative person , so you see the world and people "out of the box" - from different focuses and perspectives. So you can heal and heal.

Since this figure symbolizes death and rebirth , then you feel ghosts and spirits. Therefore, you can go beyond the boundaries of the familiar world and human capabilities , as all shamans do.

Find out what magical gift you received on your birthday. There are no matches!

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