Why You Should Chew Dried Cloves

The medicinal properties of cloves are widely used in Chinese medicine. This fragrant spice is able to cure many diseases due to its unique composition. Cloves contain provitamin , A ( beta-carotene), B vitamins , vitamins C , E , omega-3 fatty acids , essential oil, and various minerals. The composition of the spice is really impressive , all substances work! Thanks to the advice of an intelligent naturopathic doctor, I managed to get rid of chronic tonsillitis: he strongly recommended chewing dry cloves every day. A miracle happened: terrible pharyngitis , which has already become familiar , finally receded!

dried cloves

Why You Should Chew Dried Cloves

Dried cloves have many other super qualities. After learning about everyone , you will certainly buy a couple of bags of this surprisingly cheap spice! Its cost is ridiculous compared to many medicines , but dry buds cope with problems perfectly.

How to use dried cloves

To get rid of parasites
Getting rid of worms is very simple. All you have to do is chew a few dried clove buds 30 minutes before eating! You need to do this 2 times a day. This is a strong preventive measure if there are no worms.
If they are, the body will be completely cleared of parasites after a couple of days. One dried clove bud contains 20% essential oil , which contains aromatic substances: eugenol , caryophyllene and ylangen.
Also in the cloves there is a huge amount of tannins. Thanks to such a rich composition, cloves are effective: not only worms are afraid of it , but also other pathogens , for example , Staphylococcus aureus , diphtheria bacillus and even tubercle bacillus.
For the treatment of the oral cavity,
you can safely replace the chewing gum with dry cloves! If you make it a habit to chew this dry spice every day , you can forget about stomatitis , periodontal disease , gum disease.
Essential oils that are in cloves will remove bad breath and prevent it from reappearing. This is a natural remedy that is much more effective than regular mouthwashes!
And the price of dry spices is a penny. If you notice the first signs of a sore throat or sore throat , chew on a couple of small cloves. The throat will instantly stop hurting , the disease will be stopped! A method that always helps.
To improve digestion
Cloves will help strengthen the digestive processes and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
To do this, you need to chew 2 buds of cloves with 1 tsp. honey 15 minutes before meals. Beware , there are contraindications! With a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer , as well as with high blood pressure, this method cannot be used.
In all other cases, it is recommended. Stimulation of digestive processes and normalization of metabolism will help you lose weight faster. Also, cloves will cure colitis , flatulence , help to cope with gastritis with low acidity.
For cancer prevention
Clove contains eugenol , which slows down the growth of cancer cells and prevents the appearance of new ones. There are scientific studies on this topic. In families with poor heredity , where people have already had cancer , such prevention is very appropriate: the spice will help improve the general condition of the body and prevent a serious illness.
To increase pressure
If you have low blood pressure , try using cloves! You just have to chew a couple of small dry buds , and the effect will be better than from coffee. The headache that accompanies low blood pressure will pass , lethargy and dizziness will go away.
People with normal blood pressure are also shown to occasionally replace a cup of coffee with cloves. Not only perfectly invigorates , but also stimulates the body's defenses!
The health benefits of cloves are amazing! My mother tested another amazing property of dried buds - soothing. She was no longer bothered by insomnia , and this is happiness ... The thing is that the fragrant spice contains a complex of B vitamins , which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

To determine the quality of a clove , throw it into the water with force. A dry bud should sink or float vertically , inflorescence up.

If a carnation floats horizontally , it no longer has medicinal properties , unfortunately. This is a sign that the essential oils have completely evaporated.
Cloves still have many secrets: it turns out that special mulled wine , which insist on dry cloves , will help protect yourself from any heart problems.
But on this we do not say goodbye , come again!

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