How to restore vision in 10 minutes a day

During the day, the eyes get very tired. The constant load is reflected in the vision. Gradually , after 25 years, it begins to decline. Yoko Takahashi, a doctor from Japan , recommends regular thermotherapy. The effectiveness of this therapy is confirmed by many experiments.

Numerous experiments have confirmed the effect of warming the eyes

The ability to focus on what you want to see gradually declines after age 25. Also, with age, it becomes more and more difficult to see something up close. Overwork of the muscles of the eyeball is to blame for everything. When muscles are in hypertonicity , they spasm. The circulation is disturbed. Excessive stress can even deform the eyeball.

How to restore vision in 10 minutes a day

To relieve spasm, "Thermotherapy" is recommended. During the procedure, the area around the eyes is heated.

Conducted experiment

The experiment involved 20 people aged 30 and 50 years. They were told to warm their eyes daily for 10 minutes before going to bed. The experiment lasted 2 weeks.

The effect of warming the eyes was distinct:

  • In the group of people from 50 years old, an average improvement of 0.4 diopters was observed.
  • In the 30 to 40 year old group , the average improvement was 0.5 diopters.

In this experiment , whose vision improved by 0.5 D was about 60% .

Warm your eyes before bed every day to prevent vision loss.

Even if you try warming your eyes once , you can expect the same effect. But the daily practice of heat therapy is more effective in restoring visual acuity.

You can use a terry towel soaked in hot water if you want to do this eye heat therapy at home.

Thermal eye therapy is effective for dryness and tension. Heat stimulates the parasympathetic nerve and the area around the eyes also relaxes. As a result , blood flow in the ciliary muscle is increased. This is the inner muscle of the eye.

As a result of warming, an oily lacrimal fluid begins to actively stand out. It forms a film on the surface of the eyeball and prevents dry eyes.

How to prepare a towel

  1. Take a small , clean , terry towel.
  2. Wet it and wring it out a little.
  3. Heat in the microwave for 1 minute to warm it up. It is important not to warm too muchso as not to get burned.
  4. Lie down , close your eyes and put a towel over them. , you can cover your face with another towelso that the heat does not leave quickly. Lie down for 10 minutes. To do this, set a timer on your phone.

Repeat this ritual every day , in the evening before going to bed. After that, do not look at your phone , computer monitor or tablet. It's best to turn off the lights and go to bed.

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